This website and the information contained herein have been prepared by the Loung Law Firm, PLLC for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. The Loung Law Firm, PLLC offers this website to help provide general helpful information about Texas law to members of the public in need of an attorney licensed to practice in the State of Texas.
No Attorney-Client Relationship—The use of this website and the sending or receipt of information does not create an attorney/client relationship between you and Loung Law Firm, PLLC. Attorney/client relationship will begin when a retainer has been signed.
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Any link from this website to the website of a private, governmental, educational, or other non-profit entity’s web page does not state or imply the existence of a relationship Loung Law Firm, PLLC and that entity.
Website visitors should not act upon any information contained on this website or any other legal website, without first seeking the assistance of legal counsel who will apply the applicable law to your special circumstances.